Thursday, November 6, 2008

Victory to those who voted Democrat

The fight is over. The smoke has cleared. A year and a half of campaigning has come down to one day. November 4th, 2008. The dawn of a new era. A new leader. A new President elect. After eight long, hard years, we now have a new man to be seated the big chair, at the White House. For those who campaigned for him... victory is sweet. Oh... so sweet. For those who fell short, the world seems bleak. Who will hear OUR voice, you ask? How will OUR ideals be considered and will this country reflect that which WE believe? To those people, I have one question... "Do you think the country was run well the past 8 years?" If you think so, then I strongly disagree. I exercised my right to vote on two previous occasions and I didn't feel as though my vote was counted. In two very close races with suspect results... a man who's face looks less than honest, who's actions seem anything but noble and a MAN who did not seem to have the best intentions for this nation and it's people, was appointed to rule. I feel strongly that this man and his cabinet failed us as an American people. On two different occasions I saw the votes being cast for this man by the people of this country and asked myself HOW? WHY? I had little hope for the people of this country. Still, after so many years and so many leaps forward, it seemed as though this country was still too backwards, racist and preoccupied by the wrong thing to make a decision that seemed based on logic and good intentions. I am one man... I cast one vote and I have one viewpoint about life and how I'd like this country to be run. In every American lies this right. To believe as you wish and to cast your vote based on the ideals you hold true, to yourself. I may not agree with them, but it is your right as an American citizen.

Now, the shoe is on the other foot. We (the Democrats) have cast our vote and finally feel that our voice has been heard. That the ballots were finally counted correctly and there was a clear- cut winner. No chads... no thrown out ballots... not even a close race to spark questions of doubt. Therefore, we are lined up for four years of a very different government. I personally have never seen a candidate that I felt to strongly would have the best intentions of this nation in mind. One who is ready to push for change, fairness, equality and liberty for all. Concepts I once felt were forgotten in the White House. The first black President in history. Someone new... fresh and different. With a different style and demeanor. A man who claims to break down the walls of old school politics... and put a fresh face on what America is REALLY all about. Not the good ol' boy network. Not greed and preserving the one... but attempting to hear the voice of the many.

Republicans, you had your shot. You voted in the man from Texas, not once but twice and where are we? In a war that seems without end. Attempting to avenge the violence taken out on our citizens on 9/11. Yet, 8 years later we're still left unfulfilled and the wrong has not been set right. Our country is in a Recession and our morale is low. Eight years to make the right decisions... but they have not been made. And what does the Republican party provide as a leader to bring us out of this state of harsh adversity... McCain/Palin. A ticket that appears to have the same in store for us and no new tricks up it's sleeve. Out dated (McCain) and painfully inexperienced (Palin).

And what does the Democratic party provide. A man who brings HOPE... who preaches of CHANGE... and makes promised to rebuild this country. A country that is no stranger to adversity and difficult times. But what of our resilience as a people? America has always stood up to it's challenge and moved into the face of fear, only to prosper and refuse to sit down and stay down. Yet, this can only be done with existence of good LEADERSHIP! A word that has long since been forgotten by the American people, when it comes to it's government.

I couldn't be happier with results of 11-4-08. I feel the candidate that was elected to lead US and who is given the grand task of rebuilding this country is exactly what we need. No one man or one government can please everyone it governs. There will always be criticism... especially from apposing parties. But... this is democracy. Majority rules and is given the chance to rule in our political system. People often seem afraid of change, but when the alternative is MORE OF THE SAME... change is not only desired but NEEDED if we are to move into the future as the strong country we have always been.

Barack Obama is the FACE of CHANGE. Different ideas... different skin... different from all who have come before him. And with good right. The representative of this country... as we are as a people... here in 2008, should be someone that's NOT afraid to take new chances and think outside the box. Our international world view right now is HORRIBLE. Most of the world sees America as a bunch of old, closed-minded, bullies who have only greed, power and selfishness in their heart. That does not represent ME? Does that represent YOU? Let's do things the right way. Working in alliance with the world and not against it. Because the problems or our time require the world help.

So much emphasis has been put on Obama being the first black President... but why should the color of his skin over-shadow his character as a person. We've come a long way... and there's no room for prejudice and racism in todays world. We should ALL be created equal... white, black, gay, straight, Christian and Atheist. This is AMERICA! We are made up of all shapes and sizes and always have been. It's what sets us apart from many nations of the world. We are EVERYONE and EVERYTHING. Yet, there are still closed-minded people in this nation who are afraid of change. Fearing that THEIR standard of living will be compromised. Change is inevitable people... just like death and taxes. Nothing ever stays the same and what would we be... how would we grown and prosper if it DID stay the same? There will always be a fight between the Conservative and the Liberal. We will never change each others minds... but we must always strive for tolerance, understanding and acceptance if we're ever going to grow.

The task at hand is running the country and it's quite a big task at that, especially at this time in history. So, here's to 4 years of something new. Something different and a change in the way things have been done for the past 8 years. Because no matter what you political affiliation... or personal beliefs... I think we can ALL agree... the country has not been run very well in the 2000's and we need CHANGE in order to set our course straight.

And to all those our there who think us Democrats are crazy for electing Obama as President of the United States. That he is an Elitist, A snob, a Communist figure-head... Well folks, we've had to endure 8 years of someone we considered a plague to American government, who had NONE of our ideals in mind. So basically... sit down and shut up... it's our turn! You had your chance and you failed.

President Barack Obama... I like the sound of that. It's nice to have HOPE again, and it's refreshing to have a President that I feel I can respect... because I feel he respects us in return. More than I can say for the current powers that be.

And to Bush/Chaney... don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out! PEACE!

That's my time - Kris

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