Friday, August 15, 2008

Choosing to Believe & Interpret

Are we here to figure it out? Is no grand explanation to it all? There are two schools of though. Those who quest to know the 'hows' and 'whys' and those who are simply satisfied with that fact that 'it just exists'. Does the later lend itself to giving up? I don't think so. There is a simple satisfaction in knowing that all that is around us is brought about for some specific reason, but that reason can and will remain unexposed. I enjoy knowing that it's just there. Why do we need to know the answer to everything? Isn't there beauty in personal interpretation? Viewing that which IS, through your own eyes and making it what you desire. Feeling as if there might be a connecting factor between you and that which exists.

What does Bill Murray say to Scarlett Johansson at the end of Lost In Translation? Is Donnie Darko really a hero? What is Darren Aronofsky trying to tell us in his movie, The Fountain? Why do we all need to know the how's and why's? Curiosity? The demand to catalog everyone and everything that we see into some self-created designation? Who tells us what category something should go into? Society? Peers? The fight between right and wrong... good and evil? All of these are concepts that have followed man through the sand of time. Lore and legend. But who makes this stuff up? I am upon the belief that each and everyone of us has the right to make a decision about how we choose to live. What we choose to believe and in which way we choose to learn and interpret things. Once you get the fundamentals of learning out of the way... as a child/young adult, each individual should reevaluate if what they are doing and how they are doing it is based on programming or individual thinking. Of course it is wise to get all the facts you can about something before you devise an opinion about it... but who says what's right and wrong? Morality verses logic.

There is one place within us all that no one can touch or taint. Our minds. How we see the world. What we think about and how we process each and every beautiful detail. The old poker face trick. What is he thinking? Don't attempt to figure out that which has many different interpretations. No man is an island, but there is a beautiful, frustrating, ever-growing oasis within us all. We can make it what we choose. Emotions and human nature shapes our mind into something new each and everyday. We all start with a blank canvas. Then as we grow, develop and meet new a different experiences, we build upon our selfs. How we think. What we would do in any given situation. How we act and react. Built up through people we meet... traits we adapt, etc. The sky's the limit.

All of this said... I personally believe in looking at the landscape of the world and all that exist and doing my best to make it work for me. Falling into a set formula lacks originality. Of course, there are plenty of systems in the world that are backed up by logic. Mathematics & Science work on a set formula. Math is more cut and dry but science is ever growing and expanding. Most of the advances in science have to do with technology and not always expanding the mind. We can only comprehend so much with our feeble human minds... but if we continue to always challenge the laws of nature and what is designated as FACT... we may be able to see more and more.

Throughout history, man has been taught to believe curtain things by society and those in power. Most of these teachings have to do with control. Religion was created as a means of control. Some civilizations a societies believed that you should do as you are told or you'll be seen as a witch or heretic. The world is round! WHAT? Blasphemy! But people throughout history who challenged the status quo are the ones who are remembered for their genius. Why? Because they did not accept what they were told but went with what their hearts told them. deciding to step outside the box and collect information that contradicted what they had been taught.
Not simply follow all the rules and fall into the drone mindset. Whatever you choose to do and however you choose to do it is your business, but let no one tell you that you can't or that you are wrong for believing in something. If it is right for you... then it is right, period. Who can stand in judgment of a belief.

Religion is one belief system that's become corrupt by man. The principles of religion are noble and just... but when they are used as a means of control and sold as fact, our human nature bastardizes this belief system. You can't make a mass of people to believe. You can only present the material and hope that it will touch them in some way, leading them to believe. Preaching to people and telling them that they are living their lives wrong as a means to scare them into believing is not belief. That is bullying. Fear & pressure should never enter into someone's belief system. That's where control enters the equation. I'm personally more fond of the religions that don't have a belief 'system' but more of a lose explanation of elements. Buddhism is one for example. There is no specific figures to praise. No set of rules that you must follow for fear of going to hell. It leaves a lot to your interpretation. If someone chooses to believe and use a form of organized religion as a guide for their life... by all means, do what you choose to do. 'Choose' being the operative word. But not man should be forced to believe something due to pressure. Because if he does, he loses the entire meaning of the word BELIEF.

Continue to push the limits of though and feel good about interpreting everything in your own way. There are plenty of things in this world that we can keep from becoming mainstream and watered down so maintain where you can and push when you choose to.

That's my time...

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